In the very first moments we can see Maximus (Russel Crowe) walking through a field of wheat. By assumption, we can tell that it is his own (also, later he states it). We see this large manly hand grazing over delicate whisps of wheat, all whilst young childrens laughter and light music is layered over this picturesque scene. The dim lighting makes it dream like, and it is warm toned, implying that the sun is the source. A robin is then shows sitting on a thin branch, whilst looking around, and flying away. In contrast to a crow (death, loss of hope) it represents hope and happiness. It also shows signs that it is morning, the start of a new day, however, it is dimly lit, and the golden tone has changed to a much colder one.
Then the scene is cut to show the whole body of Maximus. His official power is not only shown through his clothing, but his posture. He stands tall and powerful in armour, and there is an elaborate decoration in metal on his lower chest area of a wolf at the top centre, and two dragons breathing fire at either side. The animal fur he is wearing is thick and expensive looking, and the burgundy base layer is only worn by him. He's shows walking through a row of soldiers who kneel and show honour to him. Maximus responds with some casual good luck sentences. He's shown as a heroic figure, who earns respect by all people. These soldiers wear protective metal armour, and helmets, some with spears and metal shields, and other with bows and arrows, nonetheless they aren't as richly dressed. The camera motion for this is both at the front and back of the direction Maximus is walking in, showing a full on effect.
Then, a white horse is riding back with a man on top of it, a messenger. However, his head is severed off, and straight after, the camera cuts to the leader of the Germanic Barbarian Army. He, as oppose to Maximus, looks very scruffy and dirty. The leather he is wearing is worn and thin, and his fur looks old and battered. His protection consists of some metal, and a sword. He also has a long tangled beard and mustache, and his soldiers have wooden shields and spears. The leader holds up the head and shouts then throws the head onto the muddy ground.